Monday, October 1, 2012

Fun Friday/ Calendar Addition

I have a lot of pictures for you this week. We had our first fun Friday last week. We took the 4th, 5th and 6th graders down to the beach in front of the jungle barn on Friday afternoon. They ate lunch at the barn and then we did some PE activities and games. The idea of fun Friday was to be able to give the kids some more PE activities and sports because of the fact that we don't have much space for PE at the school. We had a great day and the kids had a ton of fun.

Eating lunch in the barn.

                                          Group Photos

Leading the kids in stretches.

On your marks, get set...

Balance the ball on the spoon relay.

Moved inside because of the rain.

Fill the bottle up with water relay. They had to run down to the water, scoop some up and bring it back to put in their bottle.

Determining the winner.

The three teams were divided up into stations. One station was sandcastle building.
One station was volleyball.
And the local Red Cross came out to provide a water safety class for the students as another station. Each group rotated through the 3 stations.

Fun Friday was a big success and the kids had a lot of fun and were able to get some PE in which is awesome because it's definitely hard to get it in at the school.

We had a team another team arrive this weekend. There are 16 of them and they are helping with construction and also tutoring at the school during the day. In the afternoons they are working ta the feeding sites. It is great to meet new people and have people here helping to do a lot of the things that we need help with here.
The next pictures were taken by my 5th graders after their test 2 weeks ago. They took a couple hundred pictures of just about everything they could in the classroom. So I'll post some of the good ones.
From the left Evita, me, Nicole, and Nickel in the back.
Nickel in the back, Emmanuel, and Reynald.
Nicole, Emmanuel, and Reynald. Boys in the Philippines don't know how to take pictures without hand signs, I'm not really sure why.

Nicole, James, and Emmanuel
Toby and his dream cars.

As promised in last weeks blog we have our calendar addition this week. The boys started taking pictures posing and I thought it was pretty funny.
Mr. January- Reynald
Mr. February- Toby

Mr. March- James

Mr. April- Toby
Mr. May- Karate master Reynald

Mr. June- Emmanuel

Mr. July- Toby
Mr. August- Emmanuel doing his best Michael Jackson/ Arnold Schwarzenegger pose

Mr. September- Emmanuel
Mr. October- Kung-fu master Reynald

Mr. November- Emmanuel
And of course their leader, Mr. December- Mr. Schmidt. I may or may not have encouraged them a little bit, also may or may not have shown them some poses.

If you call now you'll receive a free addition of our awkward animal poses calendar, featuring all of your favorite awkward animal poses, like the one legged squatting monkey as seen above.

Sorry it took so long to get some pictures of my 5th graders up here, you've seen some of my obviously photogenic students, hopefully at some point I'll be able to get some pictures of my much less photogenic students as well.

Prayer Requests:
Please pray for the missionaries here. There is a lot going on in everybody's lives and it can be very hard when there is so much going on back at home and we are on the other side of the world. We have 14 missionaries here and in the last month we have had a missionary couple become grandparents, a couple become an aunt and uncle, and three missionaries who are about to become aunts. We have also had three different missionaries lose one of their parents all within the last month. We go through so much just on our own here and then you throw in our whole other lives back home and it can be very hard sometimes to handle it all. Please pray for the strength and comfort we need and also the ability to communicate with those back home that we love.

Thanks so much for all of your support and prayer. Thank you to everyone who donated school supplies to us. My mom has 2 full boxes worth of school supplies that were donated to the school. The first box is on its way and will be such a blessing and huge help to the school when it gets here.

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